When is it a good idea to change your locks? For many people, this isn’t a question they have even ever asked themselves. If you have ever lost a key, had a key stolen, or maybe you just can’t account for all of your keys, you could be putting you and your belongings in harms way. It is extremely important for you to keep all of your keys together and accounted for. If a thief gets a hold of your keys, you could be putting your belongings and even your personal safety in harms way. This is NOT ideal.

Often times when you lose a key, the first thing that comes to mind is whether you have another and where it is located. Basically, how losing the key affects your daily schedule. Beyond this, little thought is given to where the key has gone, and better yet who now has possession of it. You wouldn’t leave your house wide open at night, with all your possessions and personal safety in harms way. So why would you leave your locks knowing that someone may have your house key and be able to enter your household or business at any point in time. It is extremely important to change locks when you lose your keys or have them stolen. (Especially if it’s the latter)

It is paramount to the safety of you and your possessions that you change your locks when you lose keys, or can not account for all of the keys that are supposed to be in your possession. This will not only assure your safety at all points in time, it will also enforce the great habit of ensuring that your locks are all up to date and working correctly. This is especially vital for businesses who may be stocking expensive goods. Think you need to change locks? Check out our locksmith Canberra services for a full list of the services we provide.